Where diets go wrong ~ Focus On Health
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Apr 4, 2008

Where diets go wrong

Where diets go wrongThe initial reaction of most people who discover that they have some weight is less food to eat. It sounds simple and reasonable. Since food is what got us into trouble follows that eating less will be all right again. Almost any diet or eating plan in the magazines or on the Internet says virtually the same: eat less food. Therefore, the answer to this problem is very simple and convenient. Sure, with less food than usual is a challenge, but also a kind of feeling fine.

Unfortunately for those who hope that the reduction in food intake would help them lose, it will not work. Over the thousands of years of evolution of the human body had to do with the starvation many times and had to find ways of surviving. We are the offsprings of those who managed to survive periods of starvation by dealing with the lack of food. It is a simple decrease in the volume of food is not a big difference, because the body will simply offset by a reduction in the amount of energy produced and reduction of capacity for the effort.

The best way to get your weight loss goal is to work around this immune system by eating smart instead of less food. Overweight people and thin people eat approximately the same number of calories per day because they share the same amount of food. However, obese people eat more fat than thin people, who seem to prefer complex carbohydrates that easily broken down and metabolized by the body. This is the biggest difference between the two groups and the best point to start when considering what and how to change your eating patterns.

Good dieting always takes time. The excess weight was not the course of the night and will never disappear in a single day. Every year hundreds of thousands of people searching the Internet and reading magazines to a diet and tips to find the modern Holy Grail: a pill that can fat disappear in an instant. Well, maybe this is an exaggeration, but you get the idea. You have probably now face many ads promising such amazing results with the help of some quasi magic ingredient or another. And you probably know that weight loss does not work like that.

The only way to lose weight is to avoid eating foods rich in fat and exercises at a regular basis. A diet without exercise is pointless because all the lost weight by eating less food comes back in the following months. The sedentary lifestyle most of us is one of the leading causes of the recent increase in the number of obese people in the whole world. Cars, office jobs and foods rich in fat, we have a problem, because the easy unforeseen modern life has a price tag, just like everything else.